Being a Birth Partner during COVID19 Pandemic
What are the considerations for birth partners during the COVID-19 pandemic? • Women should be supported and encouraged to have a birth partner present with them during active labour and birth if they wish to do so. • Birth partners who are symptoma
Labour Birth & COVID-19
What are the considerations for labour and birth in asymptomatic women who test or have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2? • Low risk women who test positive for SARS-CoV-2 within 10 days prior to birth who are asymptomatic and wish to give birth at ho
Symptoms of COVID-19 on Pregnant Women
Based on 64 000 pregnant women worldwide with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 which are reported prior to 29 November 2020, the frequent symptoms & less frequent symptoms are as below: Meanwhile, based on 594 symptomatic pregnant women in the same g